GROUP SHOW KANT Gallery, Copenhagen, February 23 - March 30 2024
Featuring Peter Rothmeier Ravn, Kaspar Bonnén, Susanne Wellm, Joost Vandebrug, Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen & Shane Brox
ME, 2023, oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm.
Solo exhibition, KANT Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 3 - December 2.
GROUP DYNAMICS / Team Formation No. 1, 2023, oil on canvas, 150 x 180 cm.
PAINTINGS by Peter Ravn
Solo exhibition, KANT Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark. September 30 - October 29, 2022
Galleri KANT shows new works by the painter Peter Ravn, who continues his exploration of the meeting between man, society, and nature. The exhibition consists partly of works from this summer's exhibition "The Fall" at the Rudolph Tegners Museum, and a series of new oil paintings from recent months. The works from "The Fall" were created following an invitation from the museum to enter into a dialogue with the sculptor Rudolph Tegner (1873-1950). They constitute Ravn's answer to and corrective to Tegner's depictions of the ideal masculinity in eternal vitalistic upward striving and control.
Enter Art Fair
Peter Ravn will be showing new work with KANT Gallery at Enter Art Fair, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 - 28 August, 2022
Afroditos, 2022. Oil on canvas,120 x 150 cm.
FALDET, Peter Ravn
Order the book here
Comprehensive hardcover catalogue from the exhibition Faldet (The Fall) at Rudolph Tegners Museum & Statuepark
"Rudolph Tegner's men are facing a new era that must be conquered, while my men are rather the reaction to the vitalist effort that has set the agenda for the last 100 years. They stand on the other side of the modernity that Tegner sees coming. We are in a phase where we see and feel the consequences of the dominant growth narrative, both in nature and in the minds of people. It turned out that we could not keep up with the total optimization, and we are now looking for alternatives. ”
This is what Peter Ravn says about the exhibition The Fall, in 12 new works he reinterprets a number of Rudolph Tegner's sculptures, among other things by letting contemporary men from his own world of motifs occupy the same positions as Tegner's famous modeling of Heracles and Aphrodite, among others. For even though there is a hundred years of distance in time between the two artists, they are preoccupied with the same existential dramas and convey them with a focus on the ‘figure’.
FALDET, Peter Ravn
Pages: 76
Language: Danish
Text by: Luise Gomard, Signe Løntoft and Rasmus Lütken
Design: Nicolai Bejder Studio
Print and repro: Narayana Press
FALDET by Peter Ravn - Rudolph Tegners Museum
Film (in Danish) produced by Anne Isbak for Rudolph Tegners Museum about Peter Ravn’s exhibition Faldet (The Fall)
THE FALL by Peter Ravn at Rudolph Tegner Museum
Solo exhibition at Rudolph Tegner Museum and Statue Park, Dronningmølle, Denmark. April 15. - August 14. 2022.
Soloexhibition, Galleri Kant, Copenhagen
March 4 - April 4, 2021
When is man free? This is one of the recurring questions for the painter Peter Ravn, who presents his third solo exhibition at KANT. As in Peter Ravn's earlier works, the man is the center of focus, but this time he has broken out of his abstract space. In several of the paintings, the men have sought out the wilderness of the forests and are apparently on their way away from the civilizational state that their suits represent. Peter Ravn calls his new exhibition "The Free Movement" with a mischievous reference to the principle of free movement of workers in the EU and free movement as a constitutionel right enshrined in the treaty. When Ravn takes the technocratic concept of face value linguistically, the term takes on a new meaning and initiates a study of freedom and movement as existential or purely bodily quantities. The awareness that there is also less free movement runs as an undercurrent through the images of the men and their surroundings.
Book release
Order the book here
Peter Ravn
Published by Aftryk, February 1, 2021.
200 pages, with texts in Danish and English by Merete Sanderhoff, Jørgen Leth and Camilla Stockmann.
Drawing is a way of understanding the world. Peter Ravn has drawn since boyhood and in his artistic practice he continues aiming his eye at the world, pursuing to penetrate moments of doubt, aggression and chaos, but also tenderness. Ravn masters the canvas, controlling colour and composition with an ease of craftmanship reminiscent of a calligrapher’s accumulated skill, or the ability of a pianist to add that extra something that cannot be written down, but is of crucial importance. The beauty – the obvious beauty existing within the inherent demands of the craft – arises as a consequence of this trained skill.
With this publication, the reader is presented with a curated review of Peter Ravn’s pictorial work over the past 10 years.
The book contains texts in Danish and English by Merete Sanderhoff, Jørgen Leth and Camilla Stockmann.
Next solo exhibition
Gallery KANT, Copenhagen, Denmark, opening when the covid-19 situation allows it- presumably ultimo February
The Free Movement, 2020. Oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm.
In connection with the corona situation my gallery, Galleri Kant, has set up a web shop. Here you can buy prints of some of my paintings and some of my photographic works.
Crawling Man No. 10
Production Year: 2018
Archival pigment print
Image size: 50 x 70 cm. (Unframed )
Edition 1/10.
Signed and numbered by the artist
Art Talk i Politikens Forhal
Politikens Forhal og Art Week Copenhagen inviterer til Art Talk i Politikens Forhal fredag den 24. maj, hvor Politikens kulturjournalist Camilla Stockmann møder Peter Ravn i en samtale om kunst, krop og mænd i knivskarpe jakkesæt i udstillingen Aflåst Sideleje. Alle er velkomne.
Politikens særtryk
Politikens særtryk (Archival pigment print): ‘Circular Recovery’ 50 x 50 cm. Limited edition.
Solo show at Politikens Forhal, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 6 – June 8. Opening Friday April 5th 16 – 19.
JAHRESAUSGABEN, Lothringer 13 Halle, Munich, Germany
Taking part in the group show JAHRESAUSGABEN at Lothringer 13 Halle, Munich, Germany. Curated by Jörg Koopmann.
Peter Ravn “Når Mænd Sover” by I DO ART Agency
Film (in Danish) by IDOART for Munkeruphus about Peter Ravn and his work
Solo show at Munkeruphus, Dronningmølle, Denmark
September 9 – October 28.
See more from NÅR MÆND SOVER/WHEN MEN ARE ASLEEP at Munkeruphus here: