Soloexhibition, Galleri Kant, Copenhagen
March 4 - April 4, 2021
When is man free? This is one of the recurring questions for the painter Peter Ravn, who presents his third solo exhibition at KANT. As in Peter Ravn's earlier works, the man is the center of focus, but this time he has broken out of his abstract space. In several of the paintings, the men have sought out the wilderness of the forests and are apparently on their way away from the civilizational state that their suits represent. Peter Ravn calls his new exhibition "The Free Movement" with a mischievous reference to the principle of free movement of workers in the EU and free movement as a constitutionel right enshrined in the treaty. When Ravn takes the technocratic concept of face value linguistically, the term takes on a new meaning and initiates a study of freedom and movement as existential or purely bodily quantities. The awareness that there is also less free movement runs as an undercurrent through the images of the men and their surroundings.